So many memories...

Created by sally 9 years ago
But I thought I would share this one! I was visting from Wales and Clarey Cloggs had been into hospital to have her appendix taken out! Off I went with the family on vistiting time and bless her, she had not long been out of surgery and was obviously in quite a bit of pain so I decided to cheer her up! We shared the same sense of humour so it wasnt going to be hard! Unfortuanately, our conversation turned into fits of laughter which had disasterous consequences - Poor Clarey was in agonising pain from laughing. She begged me not to make her laugh any more, but that was impossible as I couldnt keep a straight face, which made her laugh even more!! HA HA HA still makes me laugh now thinking about it! In the end I was removed from the room as it was all to much for her! She mouthed that she was sorry through the glass of the door I stood behind for the rest of the visiting hour! Oh how i miss you Clarey! I will never meet anyone ever who made me laugh like you did. XXXX